Marlton V.F.W. Post 6295

Marlton Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Post 6295 is a non-profit organization serving veterans and promoting Americanism in our community.

The history of Marlton Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6295, located in the Pine Grove section of the township, dates back to 1955. In that year, World War II, and returning Korean War veterans began work to establish our Post, securing Post 6295 with our charter on May 25,1955. There were 20 original charter members of our Post. Today our ranks are over 100 strong.

The members of the Post state:

We stand ready, soldiers past and present, to fight to defend our way of life, our freedom, our rights as citizens of this nation to live freely, to think freely, to believe, to live, to love, and to die as free men and women. The marines have a saying, “once a marine, always a marine.” We find this to be true of the majority of veterans in regards to their branches of service. We are as much a soldier today as we were when we were in uniform, ready and willing to fight and, if need be, die for the cause of freedom for our countrymen.

Our goals are:

  1. Service to United States of America and the Veterans who past and present, fought/stood ready to fight to defend our way of life.
  2. Service to our Families/Youth and Community.

Each of these pillars represents what our Post has aimed to do, to give back to the community in which we live and help the veterans that have given so much to defend our great country. In doing this, we remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms, those who died in combat in the conflicts that our country has been in over these many years.

With the deep history in our Post, trying to summarize and include all historical events would be a monumental task to include on a single web page..

Some of these activities include the following:

  • Monthly trips to the Veterans Hospital at Vineland, NJ
  • V-J Day Parade and Pageant of Drums (1955-1974)
  • Support of the National Home in Eaton Rapids
  • World War II Honor Roll
  • Buddy Poppy Days
  • Memorial Day Ceremony and Parade on Main Street.
  • Honor Guard participation in funerals and ceremonies
  • Fourth of July Festival (1955's -2011
  • Helped to bring the traveling Vietnam Wall to our area.
  • 50th Anniversary memorial
  • Voice of Democracy Contest for local schools
  • Patriotic Pen Essay Contest
  • Teachers Tea
  • And the list goes on...

Some of the original members of our Post fought in conflicts as early as the Spanish-American war of 1898. Today, we have over 100 VFW members. Many of the active Post members are WW II, Korean War and Vietnam War. As time passes, many of the members are becoming fewer and we strive to bring in new members from and other recent conflicts. Even though the amount of members at our monthly meetings totals less than 30, we still have a dedicated few that continually look after the Post and keep up the tradition of the VFW.

We are Today's V.F.W. watch us Grow!!!

Events at our Post primarily raise money for helping veterans and their families. We hold raffles, bingo events, dinners, dances, and sometimes outings to benefit veterans, support local community charities, and hopefully have some money left over that will keep our Post running. We have many community groups that use our hall for meetings.

In our Post home, (the Barracks) we have a large bar, a full kitchen for preparation of meals that can serve well over a hundred and fifty people, a large meeting halls, a second bar on the upper level used for events in that hall, and a 40 stall parking lot. Additional parking is provided in the adjacent lot

What the future holds for our VFW is yet to be seen. In the early days of the VFW, becoming a member was something that you felt good about. It helped get you involved in the community and with the many members, there was always something happening down at the Post. Today, in our fast paced world, members are harder to come by and attitudes have changed somewhat. Filling leadership positions each year is a task in itself. Active membership showing up to the Post meetings averages about 30 members. There is a small group of people that continually take care of the Post, but they can only do so much. While we do not foresee any changes to our Post home in the near future, it just goes to show how things do change within the community in which the VFW has been an integral part of. Does this mean the end of the Post in Marlton? No, just a different outlook of what the VFW Post will be and another chapter in its long history.

One thing to remember and is constant: Only through honorable overseas military service can a person join the VFW. Once a member, they are pledged to defend human rights in peace and war. Now and in the future, there will be foreign war veterans. Those that participate can be assured that the Veterans of Foreign Wars will continue to be your voice in assisting veterans, calling for improved benefits, and helping those in need.

To continue to do so, we need your support. All Veterans of the Armed Forces should belong to some type of a Veterans organization chartered by Congress or recognized by the Veterans Administration for claim representation. Joining one of these organizations helps you and the thousands of other veterans by providing strength in numbers. The more veterans we have in these organizations, the more "clout" we will have in Washington and State governments. If you are eligible to join your local VFW, you become a member of a very large, national organization and will be part of an organization that helps benefit the community in which you live.

Commander Stephen P. Leoniy

We are Today's V.F.W. watch us Grow!!!

  • VFW 6295

    US Marines Foreign War Veterans

    The marines have a saying, “once a marine, always a marine.” We find this to be true of the majority of veterans in regards to their branches of service.

  • VFW 6295

    US Coastguard Foreign War Veterans

    We are as much a soldier today as we were when we were in uniform, ready and willing to fight and, if need be, die for the cause of freedom for our countrymen.

US Foreign War Veterans

Events at Marlton V.F.W. Post 6295 primarily raise money for helping veterans and their families. We hold raffles, bingo events, dinners, dances, and sometimes outings to benefit veterans, support local community charities, and hopefully have some money left over that will keep our Post running. We have many community groups that use our hall for meetings.

In our Post home, (the Barracks) we have a large bar, a full kitchen for preparation of meals that can serve well over a hundred and fifty people, a large meeting halls, a second bar on the upper level used for events in that hall, and a 40 stall parking lot. Additional parking is provided in the adjacent lot


Veterans Crisis Line

Information about the Veterans Crisis Line Website

The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. More about the Veterans Crisis Line

US Army Foreign War Veterans

VFW 6295

Only through honorable overseas military service can a person join the VFW. Once a member, they are pledged to defend human rights in peace and war. Now and in the future, there will be foreign war veterans.

VFW 6295 Facebook Page

US Navy Foreign War Veterans

VFW 6295

Some of the original members of our Post fought in conflicts as early as the Spanish-American war of 1898. Today, we have over 100 VFW members. Many of the active Post members are WW II, Korean War and Vietnam War.


Marlton V.F.W.

VFW 6295


VFW 6295

Support our Veterans.
We are Today's V.F.W.